
class qiime2.plugin.testing.TestPluginBase(methodName='runTest')[source]#

Test harness for simplifying testing QIIME 2 plugins.

TestPluginBase extends unittest.TestCase, with a few extra helpers and assertions.


The name of the plugin package to be tested. Subclasses must define this as a class-attribute.




The prefix for the temporary testing dir created by the harness. Optional.



Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Test runner setup hook.

If overriding this hook in a test, call __super__ to invoke this method in the overridden hook, otherwise the harness might not work as expected.


Test runner teardown hook.

If overriding this hook in a test, call __super__ to invoke this method in the overridden hook, otherwise the harness might not work as expected.


Convenience method for getting a data asset while testing.

Test data stored in the data/ dir local to the running test can be accessed via this method.


filename (str) – The name of the file to look up.


filepath – The materialized filepath to the requested test data.

Return type:


get_transformer(from_type, to_type)[source]#

Convenience method for getting a registered transformer.

This helper deliberately side-steps the framework’s validation machinery, so that it is possible for plugin developers to test failing conditions.

  • from_type (A View Type) – The View type of the source data.

  • to_type (A View Type) – The View type to transform to.


transformer – The registered tranformer from from_type to to_type.

Return type:

A Transformer Function


Test assertion for ensuring a plugin’s semantic type is registered.

Fails if the semantic type requested is not found in the Plugin Manager.


semantic_type (A Semantic Type) – The Semantic Type to test the presence of.

assertSemanticTypeRegisteredToFormat(semantic_type, exp_format)[source]#

Test assertion for ensuring a semantic type is registered to a format.

Fails if the semantic type requested is not registered to the format specified with exp_format. Also fails if the semantic type isn’t registered to any format.

  • semantic_type (A Semantic Type) – The Semantic Type to check for.

  • exp_format (A Format) – The Format to check that the Semantic Type is registed on.

transform_format(source_format, target, filename=None, filenames=None)[source]#

Helper utility for loading data and transforming it.

Combines several other utilities in this class, will load files from data/, as source_format, then transform to the target view.

This helper deliberately side-steps the framework’s validation machinery, so that it is possible for plugin developers to test failing conditions.

  • source_format (A Format) – The Format to load the data as.

  • target (A View Type) – The View Type to transform the data to.

  • filename (str) – The name of the file to load from data. Use this for formats that use a single file in their format definition. Mutually exclusive with the filenames parameter.

  • filenames (list[str]) – The names of the files to load from data. Use this for formats that use multiple files in their format definition. Mutually exclusive with the filename parameter.


  • input (A Format) – The data loaded from data as the specified source_format.

  • obs (A View Type) – The loaded data, transformed to the specified target view type.


Runs all usage examples defined in the plugin.


Checks for NaNs present in any of the tables in the indicated file then resets to the head of the file.