Contig Analysis#


Metagenomics analysis with QIIME 2 is in alpha release. This means that results you generate should be considered preliminary, and NOT PUBLICATION QUALITY. Additionally, interfaces are subject to change, and those changes may be backward incompatible (meaning that a command or file that works in one version of the QIIME 2 Shotgun Metagenomics distribution may not work in the next version of that distribution).

This section of the tutorial focuses on obtaining and analyzing contigs, which are contiguous sequences of DNA assembled from short reads obtained through sequencing techniques. Contigs are crucial in genome assembly and analysis.

Assemble Reads into Contigs with MEGAHIT#

The first step in recovering metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) is genome assembly itself. There are many genome assemblers available, two of which you can use through our QIIME 2 plugin - here, we will use MEGAHIT. MEGAHIT takes short DNA sequencing reads, constructs a simplified De Bruijn graph, and generates longer contiguous sequences called contigs, providing valuable genetic information for the next steps of our analysis.

  • The --p-num-partition specifies the number of partitions to split the dataset into for parallel processing during assembly.

  • The --p-presets specifies the preset mode for MEGAHIT. In this case, it’s set to “meta-sensitive” for metagenomic data.

  • The --p-cpu-threads specifies the number of CPU threads to use during assembly.

qiime assembly assemble-megahit \
    --i-seqs "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:reads_no_host" \
    --p-presets "meta-sensitive" \
    --p-num-cpu-threads 64 \
    --p-num-partitions 4 \
    --o-contigs "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:contigs" \

Alternatively, you can also use qiime assembly assemble-spades to assemble contigs with SPAdes.

Contig QC with QUAST#

Once the reads are assembled into contigs, we can use QUAST to evaluate the quality of our assembly. There are many metrics which can be used for that purpose but here we will focus on the two most popular metrics:

  • N50: represents the contiguity of a genome assembly. It’s defined as the length of the contig (or scaffold) at which 50% of the entire genome is covered by contigs of that length or longer - the higher this number, the better.

  • L50: represents the number of contigs required to cover 50% of the genome’s total length - the smaller this number, the better.

In addition to calculating generic statistics like N50 and L50, QUAST will try to identify potential genomes from which the analyzed contigs originated. Alternatively, we can provide it with a set of reference genomes we would like it to run the analysis against using --i-references.

qiime assembly evaluate-contigs \
    --i-contigs "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:contigs" \
    --p-threads 128 \
    --p-memory-efficient \
    --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/contigs.qzv" \

Contig Taxonomic Annotation Workflow#

Now we are ready to perform taxonomic classification of our contigs.

Classify Contigs with Kraken2#

Here, we are focusing on Kraken 2 - one of the most popular taxonomic classifiers for metagenomic data. Kraken 2 requires a pre-built database, which we have already built on the 01-sra-data-access section of this tutorial, so that it can compare the analyzed genomes to a reference. In this example, we are using the Standard database, which is a database built using all archaeal, bacterial, viral, plasmid and human sequences found in the NCBI’s RefSeq database. Since Kraken 2 classification is based on comparing k-mer profiles, this database contains pre-calculated k-mer profiles for all the genomes listed earlier and stored in the so-called “hash tables” - data structres optimized for efficient data storage and retrieval. Alternatively, you can also use qiime moshpit classify-kaiju to classify your contigs with Kaiju.

  • The --p-confidence and --p-minimum-base-quality are deviations from kraken’s defaults.

  • The database used here is the Standard database, defined here.

  • The abbreviations in my output-dir are the database (k2pf), and shorthand for the values I set for confidence (c60) and minimum base quality (mbq20), respectively.

qiime moshpit classify-kraken2 \
    --i-seqs "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:megahit-contigs" \
    --i-kraken2-db "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_standard" \
    --p-threads 48 \
    --p-confidence 0.6 \
    --p-minimum-base-quality 20 \
    --p-num-partitions 4 \
    --o-reports "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_reports_contigs" \
    --o-hits "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_hits_contigs" \

With this previous action we got two new artifacts: FeatureData[Kraken2Report % Properties(‘contigs’)] and FeatureData[Kraken2Output % Properties(‘contigs’)]. The first one contains the Kraken 2 report: a tree-like representation of all the identified taxa. The second one is a list of all contigs with their corresponding identified taxa.

Presence/Absence Feature Table Creation#

A natural next step would now be to estimate the relative frequencies of those taxa in our samples, however this is not yet possible to do on contigs with QIIME 2 (coming soon though!) Therefore, to convert those into a more QIIME-like taxonomy, run the following action:

qiime moshpit kraken2-to-features \
  --i-reports "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_reports_contigs" \
  --o-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_feature_table_contigs" \
  --o-taxonomy "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_taxonomy_contigs" \

Filtering Feature Table and Normalization#

Once we have feature table, this is becomes alot more similar to the amplicon workflow of QIIME 2.

In this tutorial, we’re going to work specifically with samples that were included in the autoFMT randomized trial. Many of these subjects dropped out before randomization (placing the subject into FMT group or Control group) and therefore do not have a value in the autoFmtGroup.

We need to filter our feature table to contain samples that were in the autoFMT study by filtering out any samples that are null in the metadata column autoFmtGroup.

qiime feature-table filter-samples \
  --i-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_feature_table_contigs" \
  --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" \
  --p-where 'autoFmtGroup IS NOT NULL' \
  --o-filtered-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_autofmt_feature_table_contigs"

Alpha Diversity on Presence/Absence Feature Table#

First we’ll look for general patterns, by comparing different categorical groupings of samples to see if there is some relationship to richness.

To start with, we’ll generate an ‘observed features’ vector from our presence/absence feature table:

qiime diversity alpha \
    --i-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_autofmt_feature_table_contigs" \
    --p-metric "observed_features" \
    --o-alpha-diversity "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:obs_features_autofmt_contigs"

Linear Mixed Effects#

In order to manage the repeated measures, we will use a linear mixed-effects model. In a mixed-effects model, we combine fixed-effects (your typical linear regression coefficients) with random-effects. These random effects are some (ostensibly random) per-group coefficient which minimizes the error within that group. In our situation, we would want our random effect to be the PatientID as we can see each subject has a different baseline for richness (and we have multiple measures for each patient). By making that a random effect, we can more accurately ascribe associations to the fixed effects as we treat each sample as a “draw” from a per-group distribution.

There are several ways to create a linear model with random effects, but we will be using a random-intercept, which allows for the per-subject intercept to take on a different average from the population intercept (modeling what we saw in the group-significance plot above).

First let’s evaluate the general trend of the Bone Marrow transplant.

 qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects \
   --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:obs_features_autofmt_contigs" \
   --p-state-column DayRelativeToNearestHCT \
   --p-individual-id-column PatientID \
   --p-metric observed_features \
   --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/lme_obs_features_HCT_contigs.qzv"

We may also be interested in the effect of the auto fecal microbiota transplant. It should be known that these are generally correlated, so choosing one model over the other will require external knowledge.

 qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects \
   --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:obs_features_autofmt_contigs" \
   --p-state-column day-relative-to-fmt \
   --p-individual-id-column PatientID \
   --p-metric observed_features \
   --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/lme_obs_features_FMT_contigs.qzv"

We also see a downward trend from the FMT. Since the goal of the FMT was to ameliorate the impact of the bone marrow transplant protocol (which involves an extreme course of antibiotics) on gut health, and the timing of the FMT is related to the timing of the marrow transplant, we might deduce that the negative coefficient is primarily related to the bone marrow transplant procedure. (We can’t prove this with statistics alone however, in this case, we are using abductive reasoning).

Looking at the log-likelihood, we also note that the HCT result is slightly better than the FMT in accounting for the loss of richness. But only slightly, if we were to perform model testing it may not prove significant.

In any case, we can ask a more targeted question to identify if the FMT was useful in recovering richness.

By adding the autoFmtGroup to our linear model, we can see if there are different slopes for the two groups, based on an interaction term.

qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects \
 --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:obs_features_autofmt_contigs" \
  --p-state-column day-relative-to-fmt \
  --p-group-columns autoFmtGroup \
  --p-individual-id-column PatientID \
  --p-metric observed_features \
  --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/lme_obs_features_treatmentVScontrol_contigs.qzv"

Beta Diversity#

Now that we better understand community richness trends, lets look at differences in microbial composition.

Jaccard Distance Matrix PCoA creation#

Let’s first create the Jaccard distance matrix.

qiime diversity beta \
  --i-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_autofmt_feature_table_contigs" \
  --p-metric jaccard \
  --o-distance-matrix "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_autofmt_contigs"

Now, let’s generate a PCoA from Jaccard matrix.

qiime diversity pcoa \
  --i-distance-matrix "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_autofmt_contigs" \
  --o-pcoa "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_autofmt_pcoa_contigs"

Emperor Plot Creation#

Now that we have our Jaccard diversity PCoA, lets visualize it!

qiime emperor plot \
  --i-pcoa "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_autofmt_pcoa_contigs" \
  --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" \
  --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/jaccard_autofmt_emperor.qzv

We can make week-relative-to-fmt a custom axis in our PCOA. This allows us to look at changes in microbial composition over the couse of the study.

qiime emperor plot \
  --i-pcoa "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_autofmt_pcoa_contigs" \
  --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" \
  --p-custom-axes week-relative-to-fmt \
  --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/jaccard_autofmt_emperor_custom.qzv"

Taxa-bar Creation#

We will now explore our coting microbial composition by visualizing a taxa bar plot. Note that we are using a FeatureTable[PresenceAbsence], hence we are not talking about relative abundance in this case.

qiime taxa barplot \
  --i-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_autofmt_feature_table_contigs" \
  --i-taxonomy "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:kraken_taxonomy_contigs" \
  --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" \
  --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/taxa_bar_plot_autofmt_contigs.qzv"

Contig functional annotation workflow#

Here we will perform functional annotation of contigs to capture gene diversity.

EggNOG search using diamond aligner#

Searches for homologous sequences in the EggNOG database using the Diamond aligner for faster processing.

  • The --p-db-in-memoryloads the database into memory for faster processing.

qiime moshpit eggnog-diamond-search \
  --i-sequences "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:contigs" \
  --i-diamond-db "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:eggnog_diamond_full"\
  --p-num-cpus 14 \
  --p-db-in-memory \
  --o-eggnog-hits "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:diamond_hits_contigs" \
  --o-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:diamond_feature_table_contigs" \

Gene diversity#

Now, let’s have a look at the gene composition of our community

Jaccard Distance Matrix PCoA creation#

We will again start by calculating our Jaccard beta-diversity matrix

qiime diversity beta \
  --i-table "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:diamond_feature_table_contigs" \
  --p-metric jaccard \
  --o-distance-matrix "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_distance_matrix_contigs"

Then, we will generate out PCoA from Jaccard matrix

qiime diversity pcoa \
  --i-distance-matrix "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_distance_matrix_contigs" \
  --o-pcoa "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_distance_matrix_pcoa_contigs"

Emperor Plot Creation#

Now that we have our Jaccard diversity PCoA, lets visualize it!

qiime emperor plot \
  --i-pcoa  "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:jaccard_distance_matrix_pcoa_contigs" \
  --m-metadata-file "./moshpit_tutorial/metadata.tsv" \
  --o-visualization "./moshpit_tutorial/results/jaccard_distance_matrix_pcoa_contigs.qzv"

Annotate orthologs against eggNOG database#

Lastly, let’s annotate our contigs with functional information from the EggNOG database.

qiime moshpit eggnog-annotate \
 --i-eggnog-hits "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:contigs" \
 --i-eggnog-db "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:eggnog_annot_full" \
 --o-ortholog-annotations "./moshpit_tutorial/cache:eggnog_annotated_contigs" \